Saturday, October 23, 2010

october death

i push my shopping cart out into the mid-evening
of the parking lot
the air has a comfortable briskness i haven't noticed in months
and on the edge of each breath i take,
there is the faint scent of smoke,
that seems always coupled with a slight cool breeze

i think briefly back to firestorms
and the weight of that ash, inescapable
now, my eyes glance across the sky, out of habit
but the only clouds are remnants of a two-week storm,
monolithic and back-lit by the first pinks of sunset

as i cross the parking lot toward my car
a monster of a vehicle lurches toward me in reverse
the tinted window or the desperation of life obscuring the driver's view
i angle away without incident
but the thought stays with me
that at that moment, i would not have minded dying
and when my life is terminated,
i hope it is on a day like today