Monday, November 29, 2010

every morning i wake up with the taste of blood in my mouth
and an unsettled feeling in my stomach
and i wonder what i was doing while i was asleep
who i was eating

we went somewhere and someone told me they got a job at a beer bottling plant
this could also have been a dream, but bear with me and let's say it happened
it might seem hazy because i was drunk
which is ironic because in this memory
i was warning our friend
about someone who went into AA
after being a canner for Coors
and being paid in alcohol

everyone's always getting too far into something
and getting lost

i have another friend who was just found in Tennessee, homeless, dazed,
having burned through something like $10,000,
which had been left to him in a will
and my own brother, my own family
the stories i could tell you about them
and myself

now i just sleep and wake and there is no shock between the two like there used to be
and i can hardly tell
one day from the last
i just keep pumping away,
hoping you'll find the answers to your problems,
hoping i can help you find some relief
so i can believe it exists, somewhere in the world
relief, i mean

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

weeks like years
days like weeks
marked only by nights of full sleep
and empty mornings

sleepwalking naked through my room
and laying face-down on the carpet as respite
i awake with aches and stiffness
into the hazy blackness of 5 a.m.
to conquer another day
while my mind is still a few years back,
stunned into to stupidity
at the passage of time

rhythms rise and fall, trancelike
lulling me past hours and minutes and seconds
and i "live"
following some invisible piper
leading me on
and on
and on